January 14, 2018ART is the bridge between cultures, countries, generations, and nations.
Don’t build walls, build BRIDGES!
January 2018.
Julia Tet
ART is the bridge between cultures, countries, generations, and nations.
Don’t build walls, build BRIDGES!
January 2018.
Julia Tet
It’s normal to feel isolated in a big city. It’s like being locked in a room, alone, with your inner identificators around. They are telling you about your mistakes and demons and you start to fight them, to overcome yourself, to be someone else, but they are parts of your personality. Maybe this is Ego and you can feel it outside.
The environment is reflecting your inside condition and you are the reflection of the environment. Sometimes this is the fight of the beasts. Because everyone needs to change in another. And a fact of change means the victory. But a fact of the victory means the defeat and the death to some parts of the process. The right choice is essential, because it determines the way forward.
In this rooms all our demons go outside and the room identifies them. My favorite inner beast is a vampire. Mystical incarnation role model. Usually in a state of a black meditation, when the world have transferred too much negativity to you and sucked you inside, the desire to revenge is coming.
But it’s also a beautiful process. Winter is the best time to reflect on the vampire’s feelings that we have inside. We all want more warmness and in search for it. It’s the time of sleeping, self-identification from outside and harder position of mind. It’s more clear, more black and white, more divided. More philosophical.
We need to be vampires from time to time, because we all need blood to live. Blood that we are sucking from our environments, entertainment, people around: lovers, friends, strangers - energetically blood. «Film spectators are quite vampires» - Jim Morrison told. Jim Gandolfini: «All writers are vampires».
Actually, all creative persons are vampires. They can take your energy and personal stories, transform them and create their own products. That makes them stronger, but you may be to totally sucked. A vampire doesn’t warn you, he just takes. This role gives a change to recharge the batteries for new missions, to learn something new, to take instead of giving and to save your power for more momentous time.
Vampiring may be the things that people create: technologies, internet, media, jobs. All environment, except nature, that on the contrast charges energetically. Getting your energy, the environment turns you into a vampire. The treatment process is quite typical and it occurs imperceptible and accidentally. Vampires often prefer to be alone, to hide the secrets, to think, to meditate, to recognize new experience, to safe the energy, to understand who are they now and what they can. And after to jump from the window and investigate this strange big world from above. From the other point of view.
The other essential things about detection are revealing in reflections. The reflections can indicate your blindness and your real face. When you close your eyes, you should find the way how to feel the reality by your inner sight, to use your third eye, if you want. The best way to do it in darkness, but meditating on the bright light.
In the rooms you can face your psycho directly and realize your subconscious heroes. They can be really powerful, but also can be weak and blurred. You can touch different layers of reality, lose and find yourself in different conditions and test their strength.
You can feel the electricity of your thoughts and dreams and find the other exits and keys to the reality. Another way to open the doors for new probabilities. «The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge, but imagination» - Einstein told. And this process is working when you are traveling, using your mind, even in strict conditions. The questions is how far you can go, investigating your deep inner spaces, step by step.
Finding and going through these kind of rooms is a mission, there finally you should meet yourself, detecting all existing layers, reflections and selves of your own galaxies. And being reborn after this experience. To be ready not to take, but to give more, when your power will be needed.
2016 // Julia Tet
Eclipse is a null. It’s a new phase, new start, new era. It something that makes you feel defenceless and powerful at the same time. A total solar eclipse occurred on March 20, 2015. In addition, it was the day of the equinox and the day of the third of six supermoons. We all have our own periods of eclipse in life. Personal and global, social eclipse.
Personal eclipse may be caused by extremely strong feelings. Love is the most powerful of them. You can be blind and the prophet at the same time. You feel extra-power and deep-connection to the world in all senses, but you are also extremely weak, thin-skinned and far away from the ordinary life. You feel excited and feel depressed, feel the sun and feel the moon, their embrace in the moment of common illumination, the connection and the exchange of energy flows. This is the absolute eclipse of your spirit and mind, depending on only one source of energy. You are blind, because you are addicted to it. But you can see another world, because this is the power of God.
Eclipse can be caused by the power to wish the power. Now this is the period of the power games and total eclipse of the minds can take place, when the world is paralyzed, eclipsed by the politics, deaths of the innocents and unpredictable cataclysms. Eclipse is a common reaction, but it is also a start to a new phase, this is the beginning of new periods with new philosophies and new priorities.
Phases are different. The start, total blindness, a pause to change, erase and new beginning, when the light is starting again. Sometimes we need to become blind to realize our position, feel changes and choose the way to go.
How to react and to find the solution. This is the question. We need to be based on our previous experience, but also should predict the future and play according to new rules. Be the prophets to achieve the best, or just staying alive. The reaction is needed, because this is only way to progress. Staying blind, staying mute means being the victims of the circumstances. We need to learn, to be stronger and firmer to be blessed by the ECLIPSE.
the blinds on new paths,
they are following their own pasts,
begins the stories of lives,
the heroes who never dies
believe in sacred love
and fight for the Truth and God.
religions are new, the subject are clear,
decorations are changed, but the plots are old, dear…
Julia Tet